Introducing Mood Changing Lemonade

Pink lemonade used to be a real treat for me when I was growing up. Something a bit different which used to appear in Summer to enjoy on family picnics and the like which has meant that pink lemonade remains something a bit special to me to this day.

Imagine my surprise when Heartsease Farm got in touch to tell me all about their newest addition to their soft drink range: a new pressé that changes flavour according to your mood – just like one of those mood rings that changed colour from years gone by!

The Heartsease Farm formula has had a revamp, turning it into an innovative drink with a molecular structure that can alter its flavour to match your mood based cravings. The formula works by detecting the level of endorphins in your blood stream and changes its flavour accordingly.

The happier you are the higher the level of endorphins in the blood.  The mood changing pressé may start out with the traditional flavour but when your endorphin level reaches a point the drink changes to a flavour of a fruit within the same family. For example raspberry can become a blackberry or a peach may now taste like a plum.

Heartsease Farm MD and Founder William Watkins has described the success of this new invention explaining that the company has always focused on being at the forefront of the race to modernise the public’s “drinking experience”.

“Our scientists were put to work to try to discover a way to alter the core properties of a drink, so that the flavour would change according to the mood of the drinker. We have succeeded in what we wanted to achieve; and much, much more. We are thrilled with the result”.

I am fascinated with this revolution from one of my favourite drinks companies and I can’t wait to get my hands on some of their mood changing pressé which launches today, April 1st.



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