Top tips for men who want to look good

top tips for men's fashion

I have to admit that as a women I assume that we girls have more of a hard time when it comes to looking good than men, however, little did I know that there is a lot more to being a fashionable man than I originally thought! I came across this infographic which outlines 22 top tips for men who want to look good and I was surprised at the number of issues men face when it comes to clothing and etiquette.

My husband does like to be well presented and does put in effort when it comes to making sure he is well groomed and ensuring that he has a suitable outfit picked out for any occasions where he needs to be presentable. Although he rarely wears a tie (most of his are patterned and colourful which obviously does against rule number 21) he does find pride in his choice of watch, socks (he has so many I have lost count so he is on track with rule number 13) and footwear, although I don’t think he is going to be wearing white suede shoes any time soon.

I feel like I have learnt quite a bit from these 22 top tips for men and although women seem to have a large number of fashion concerns to consider it would appear that men show admirable effort when it comes to details like the perfect knot in a tie and what sort of umbrella to use when!

What are your biggest male fashion faux pas?

Top tips for men who want to look good

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