Recipe: Turmeric Golden Milk

turmeric golden milk recipe

Golden Milk hit the headlines last year as a heath boosting alternative to coffee made with the bright yellow-orange spice Turmeric which is commonly used in curries and sauces. It comes from the turmeric root and has been used for its medicinal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties for thousands of years.

Tumeric has many health boosting properties, arguably, the most powerful aspect of curcumin (the active chemical in turmeric) is its ability to control inflammation which is why I have recently added it to my daily supplement regime to help prevent flare-ups of my repetitive strain injury problems in my wrists.

Turmeric has a peppery, warm flavour and a mild fragrance which makes it perfect for making into a soothing drink. Golden Milk is a great way to get the benefits of Turmeric daily without feeling like you’re taking medicine. Here is my favourite recipe:

You will need:

  • 1 cup coconut milk or other milk alternatives
  • 2 tsp turmeric powder (This may stain blenders, counter tops and skin so be careful!)
  • 2 tsp coconut sugar or other sweeteners (You can add more or less depending on your tastes)
  • 1 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Heat your milk either in the microwave or in a pan
  2. Place all of the other ingredients in a cup and mix well
  3. Add a small amount of hot milk to the spice mix and stir to make a paste
  4. Slowly add the milk little by little until you have a fragrant, golden milk
  5. Enjoy!

Note: There are many variations of the Golden Milk recipe including those with other spices such as ginger and pepper, so why not experiment and find your favourite combination?

turmeric golden milk recipe

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