Review: Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread

Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread

My sister recently made an extraordinary discovery in her local shop: Reese’s peanut butter chocolate spread! After she shared the news I decided to go out and get some for myself, having always been a major Reese’s cup junkie and I was lucky enough to have found it in my local Sainsburys.

H.B. Reese introduced his famous peanut butter cups in 1928 and since then the product line has grown to include a large range of flavours and mixed with different forms including dark chocolate, snack-sized pieces, and candy bars *wipes drool away*.

Although the peanut butter chocolate spread was officially launched a few years ago I had never seen it available before! Designed to take on Nutella, Hershey’s recommends dipping healthy snacks such as apples and celery or spreading on toast. Of course, I wouldn’t mind eating it on its own with a spoon either…

It tastes just as you would expect it to; DELICIOUS! If you were to take some Reese’s cups and melt them into a jar you would basically have the spread. It is made up of the rich Hershey’s chocolate that we know and love, combined with a powerful peanut punch complete with that familiar grainy texture which you find in the cups.

The Reese’s peanut butter chocolate spread comes in jars of 368g which I think will last a good amount of time; although it tastes amazing you can’t eat too much at one time, just like peanut butter. You do need to keep in mind that it’s not a health food, although this shouldn’t really shock you! 2 tbs contains 190 calories, 12g of fat, 21g of carbohydrate, 19 of them sugars.

I have really loved enjoying spreading Reese’s peanut butter chocolate spread onto hot cross buns as of late. YUM. If you’re a fan of Hershey’s Reese’s range of chocolate treats you will simply adore this spread, like I do! I award it 5 out of 5 stars and can’t wait until I have my next fix!

Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Spread


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