Stitch London

If you’ve been following my blog you will know that I have a number of crafty projects on the go at any one time. I enjoy spending my time being creative with yarn and needles and last week was my first time at a Stitch London event hosted at EV (Bakery and Delicatessen) in Southwark.

Stitch London is a group of like-minded crafters who get together on a weekly basis to knit, crochet, chat and generally have fun. I met up with some lovely people who were happy to natter on about life in general at the same time as give tips about knitting and crocheting.


I had a really lovely time with the Sitch London ladies, I enjoyed everything from the food to the conversation and the progress I made on Project no. 2 (baby blanket for my counsin born last August).

I will certainly do my best to attend the next Stich London events and I look forward to making new friends and new projects!

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