Planning Your Next Trip to the Lake District

We all love a city break, don’t we? At least, there’s plenty to do and see when you’re exploring a big city like London. Even if you don’t leave the UK, you can explore historic and cultural marvels as well as enjoy great food and fantastic nightlife.

But what if you want to enjoy something different?

Whether you enjoy adventurous holidays, relaxed holidays, or trips exploring beautiful and historic places, the countryside also has plenty to offer. Again, the British countryside is extensive, but it’s hard to beat the lake district for natural beauty. 

Where is the Lake District?

The lake district is in the North West of England. As the name suggests, its most famous and distinctive features are lakes of different sizes and shapes. 

But the lake district isn’t all water. It’s also known for stunningly green grass, forests, hills and valleys, and a variety of beautiful natural sights. 

While the main appeal of the Lake District is its undeniable natural beauty, there are also plenty of villages and towns to visit, not to mention historic sites. This means you can have a different kind of holiday each time you visit, or just have a varied trip and truly explore the Lake District. 

Preparing for the Weather

If you live in the UK, you’re already familiar with the infamous weather in Britain. It’s a green and beautiful country, but it’s also a very wet country. 

The greener the area, the wetter it is. Much like Ireland, our neighbour to the west, the North West of England enjoys a lot of rain. That rain brings beauty and fills all those famous lakes, but it’s worth being prepared for a wet visit to the Lake District. 

If you do manage to enjoy clear skies and sun, it’s a good idea to be prepared for both chilly weather and hot sun. Maybe you’re a little overpacked, but you’ll appreciate a jacket or waterproof when the weather changes. 

Camping in the Lake District

One of the best ways to enjoy the Lake District is to get close and personal with its natural beauty. 

A camping trip, whether for a weekend or for longer periods of time, is an experience every family should try at least once. True, it’s not for everyone, but you can have so much fun by unplugging for a few days and enjoying the outdoor lifestyle.

It can be an adjustment for your children to sleep in a tent for a few nights, especially if you don’t have easy access to electronic devices, but camping can give you a great base camp to explore from and go for plenty of walks and hikes. Just make sure that you’re well equipped

Other Accommodation in the Lake District 

What if you’re one of those people who don’t find camping all that appealing? Well, you can still enjoy the Lake District in all its glory, while also soaking in luxury and comfort. 

You can find plenty of self-serviced cottages that provide a home away from home. These cottages can be found in villages, towns, or out in the countryside for more privacy. Or, if you prefer some more pampering and convenience, Lake District hotels can give you the best of both worlds. 

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