How to save on flooring embarrassments

Have you ever had those instances where you find the need to apologise for something in your house that doesn’t match up – or is not perfect or has an area of damage?

For some reason, we sometimes find ourselves feeling guilty for faulting in the home. There are also those instincts for concocting a story that the offending obstacle is soon to be replaced, even if it is not planned.

The home flooring is one of the bigger items on this list – with stains, scratches or discolouration finding us reaching for the nearest excuse why it should not be held against us. There is a solid solution to these woes where you can have a floor that represents you very well and not have any embarrassing marks – that is luxury vinyl flooring from Polyflor.

No Fear of Spills

We all look forward to those nights of wine and dining with friends, but there are always those occasions where a tipple from the bottle overstretches to your floor.

Red wine spills staining the floor is the living nightmare of all homes fitted with the carpet but, with installed vinyl flooring, a simple wipe with a cloth and a warm soapy sponge gives your floor the perfect clean – leaving no need for your guests to be embarrassed and wanting to pay for the cleaning bill. There is also no worry of subfloor damage thanks to its 100% waterproof design.

You have a much higher chance of any dropped wine glasses not shattering when dropped thanks to the cushion effect of luxury vinyl flooring.

Grand Designs

Setting the style and tone for a welcome home is definitely within the flooring as soon the door is opened.

Guests can be greeted by light or dark hardwood styles that provide a more natural and polished look, providing that great sophisticated edge to your activities. Then again, you could also set a feel of classic stone – perfectly replicated to give a more classy and distinguished feel to the room.

You can implement a more creative aspect to your flooring, so don’t be afraid to be a bit wild and mix things up to display your unique personality. Who says a home has to be dull? If you want to match it to your unique outlook on life, you certainly have plenty to choose from.

Talk with an Interior Designer

With so many options available, such as oak vinyl flooring, there are also many specialists supplying their guidance to suit your home design.

Interior designers have long championed luxury vinyl flooring as the prime choice for providing a lavish home. Polyflor flooring is a high-ranking brand that gives you a more distinctive and alluring creative flair within every room you plan out.

Vinyl flooring is an embarrassment-free product, installing a sense of pride within your home.

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