A Quick Guide To Recovering From A Hangover

A night out in London can be fun, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t consequences. We’ve all been there. The drinks start flowing and it only takes one too many to give you a sore head and sap your energy the next day. A hangover can be one of the most uncomfortable things to deal with, especially if you have a busy day ahead of you.

Fortunately, this experience is so common that there are plenty of remedies you can try to ease the symptoms of your hangover. So, what should you do?

Eat Carbs

The main reason you feel groggy during a hangover is that the alcohol in your system has suppressed your blood sugar levels. Therefore, your body does not have what it needs to get your body moving effectively.

The best way to raise your blood sugar levels is by eating food, but you must eat the right food. Carbohydrates are your body’s fuel supply. As such, a small dose of pasta, chips, bread, or rice should be enough to get you moving again. Also, this remedy can help remove that nagging headache.

Energy Supplements

If you have a hangover, then chances are that you have just woken up from a deep sleep. As a result, the idea of scarfing down a heavy meal like pasta might sound too appealing first thing in the morning. That does not mean that you can’t find relief out there.

Energy-boosting supplements, such as Boost Optimum, contain enough protein to get you up and moving on those days you feel a little under the weather. Perhaps this is the miracle hangover cure you have been searching for.

Drink But Avoid Milk

It is no secret that you need to replace the fluids you have lost after a night of drinking. Alcohol dehydrates the human body, which is why most hangovers come with a banging headache. However, you can counteract this symptom by drinking plenty of fluids. Make sure you drink the right things, though.

A cold glass of milk may sound refreshing in the morning, but it is not a wise choice during a hangover. Your body uses the same enzymes to break down dairy products as it does alcohol, which means that this process will take much longer if you load up on dairy. You will start to feel better once all the alcohol has left your system, and you will recover much quicker if you rehydrate with plenty of water.

Go Back To Sleep

Sometimes, your hangover symptoms can be so severe that you have no other choice but to let your body recharge. Drinking too much alcohol can prevent you from achieving R.E.M sleep, the stage of sleep that allows your body to regain energy. Therefore, there is a good chance you missed it if you have woken up with a sore head or nauseous stomach. As such, your only hope for a cure is to turn over and get the sleep you should have had the night before.


Most people have their own methods of dealing with a hangover. However, none of these solutions are backed up by science like the ones above.

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