5 fun ways to keep fit this winter season

5 fun ways to keep fit this season

With the colder weather rolling in it can sometimes be hard to get the motivation to leave the warm and do some exercise. Skiing and ice hockey are great sports but are costly and require training, travel, equipment and planning. However, with a little creativity and some basic equipment it’s not hard, and can even be fun, to stay in shape this winter with these 5 activities.


Don’t let the colder weather put a dampener on exploring outside. Take your dog or children to your favourite park or playground and enjoy the crisp, fresh air and crunchy grass underfoot. Jumping on a trampoline, building a snowman, getting involved in a snowball fight or sledging down snowy hills burn calories although you might not notice! A couple of hours of outdoor activities will certainly help keep you fit this winter season.

Ice Skating

What is more festive than taking to the ice? Ice skating is a fantastic winter workout. Most cities will have an ice rink of a sort each winter so why not grab a few friends and head out for some fun? Between the amount of movement and the low temperature, you will be amazed at how many calories you can burn during a session, especially as it can be great fun making it feel like exercise! I have to admit that the few times I tried I spent a lot of time on my bum but even getting up from the ice burns calories! Skiing is also great for keeping fit, why not push the boat out and enjoy some time away in the snow? Hire a luxury chalet to act as base camp for your snow escapades to get the full winter experience.


There are so many ways to enjoy dancing as a form of exercise! Why not do some research and look into local groups or classes you can attend on a regular basis to keep the heart pumping? You won’t need much equipment just suitable clothing and shoes (some forms of dancing might require special footwear like tap dancing shoes). If you prefer to stay at home simply turn up the volume on some of your favourite tunes in the living room and let rip! Dancing is great for staying fit while also having a lot of fun. Instead of becoming a hermit for the winter, make plans with your friends.

Snow Sprints

I LOVE snow so snow sprints sound like fun! It’s super easy and offers a great workout. All you need is waterproof footwear and suitable warm clothing, then head out to a local snow-covered field. Then go for it! Try running, jogging, jumping, and plain old-fashioned playing in the snow. There are few things more tranquil yet exciting than running around in the freshly fallen snow and all the movement will keep you fit!


If you prefer to be warm and snug indoors then why not consider taking up yoga? Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. You can join a local class or find yoga programmes online or on video to do at home. Yoga will help you to relax and calm the mind each day which is fantastic on the run up to a busy holiday season!