Guide to Companion Planting

Guide to Companion Planting

If you’re looking to boost your garden then why not consider companion planting? With companion planting, you have many benefits including allowing you to plant different kinds of plants and still harvest them together and at the right time.

Just like people, plants can benefit from the being around other plants, increasing the plant’s biodiversity which can lead to higher yields and pest control allowing you to grow herbs, veggies and exotic crops to their full potential.

Companion planting also assists in pollination, control of pests and helping you to make the best use of your gardening space

Here are some of the top companionships for plants:

  • If you grow potatoes horseradish increases the resistance to diseases so plant horseradish around your potato patch.
  • Mint and Garlic Chives will confuse pests trying to gnaw on your carrots, tomatoes, alliums and brassicas.
  • Beans are perfect for adding nitrogen to the soil and grow well with almost everything. Maize, potatoes, celery, cucumber, and soybeans do particularly well with beans.
  • If you grow corn during Summer they make the best pumpkin patches later in the year.
  • Lavender doesn’t only smell lovely but attracts pollinators such as butterflies and bees.
  • Basil improves the flavour of tomatoes and lettuce and repels bugs such as mosquitoes.
  • Pumpkins work very well planted together with sunflowers.
  • If you love growing strawberries then add some borage to your patch, it is said to boost the flavour of your strawberries and also attracts pollinators.
  • Nasturtiums will help put off squash vine borers so plant them around any squash you want to grow, they also distract aphids away from beans.
  • If you grow roses consider adding thyme to your garden as the strong scent deters blackfly.
  • Sweet marjoram will make your herbs and vegetables sweeter!

There are lots more combinations which offer benefits to your garden. For more information and combinations check out this complete guide to companion planting from First Tunnels.

Guide to Companion Planting