No, Terrible Sleep Is Not ‘Normal.’ Here’s How To Fix Yours

Corporate working culture, the needs of a family and the stress of modern life can all contribute to some pretty depressing aphorisms. ‘That’s life,’ we might hear someone say at the watercooler. ‘Who gets sleep anyway?’ someone might cynically echo in the middle of a workplace crunch period.

These sentiments, if repeated enough times in your environment, might leave you to believing that terrible health, a bleak outlook, and a negative sleeping schedule is something normal in the flow of the modern person’s life. Of course, certain exceptions have to be made when rectifying this. If you have a newborn baby, odds are sleep is going to come in short supply.

While terrible health and a bleak outlook can be fixed with personal determination and altering your mindset (at least for the most part,) none of that can be achieved without fixing your sleep. If you’re having trouble with it – don’t accept it as gospel. Try to change it! Without good sleep, none of us could function to the level we deserve. For that reason, we would like to offer the following advice:

Switch Out The Bed

It can sometimes be that your bed is just not right for you. Goldilocks had some wisdom to impart, after all. It might be that your old mattress has started to become hard and Tempur Mattresses will help you get over that issue with something much more supportive yet soft. Perhaps your bed is too small for you and your partner at the same time, and you continually feel as though you’re overheating one another.

Perhaps your duvet is simply not the right tog for the current weather conditions, and switching that out could provide you with some future worth. Perhaps you haven’t the right cushion configuration for reading in a supportive context before you turn the light out, leaving you to feel less comfortable when trying to rest and close your eyes. Sometimes, switching out the best is your best option, and trying samples until you find something that works for you.

Demand More

If you find that your child’s late night video gaming is keeping you up, the bar that has just opened down the street is rowdy, or your partner has started snoring, there are many options you can take. You might decide to use memory foam earplugs to drown out the noise (a good option for light sleepers regardless.) But in this case, disciplining your child, reporting the bar and helping your partner experience sleep therapy can all be much more supportive an effort than you might realise. With that in mind, demanding more is sure to net you a better and more positive approach.

See A Sleep Specialist

It could be that no matter what you try, you simply cannot get good sleep. Don’t just ‘accept it.’ It could be caused by many issues. We would recommend that your best approach here is to see a sleep doctor. When you can do this, you will be much more likely to find a solution that works for you, and they might identify something you have been missing all along.

With these tips, you’re certain to overcome your terrible sleep.

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