Introducing: Redress Law

I have to admit that I had never really considered having any sort of legal representation or Solicitor until my husband and I started the process of buying a house. Of course legal advice and help with the multitude of paperwork and negotiations requires someone who knows what they are doing! Of  course sometimes things can still go wrong which can be devastating, which is why there are people out there to look after you should you suffer negligence from a solicitor.

Unfortunately, some Solicitor can make mistakes and give out bad advice or fail to handle your concerns correctly which can result in not financial loss as well, of course, disappointment. If you find yourself in this situation you can claim redress following solicitor negligence, however it is a complex area of law and you should have an expert on your side to ensure you get what you want.

There are a number of different types of Solicitor negligence as they are involved across different areas of the law. Despite this there are some common problems I can tell you about today.

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  • Buying property is a big life event and a huge investment. There can be problems with a lack of, or bad,  advise for selling or buying property, planning matters or missing time limits on landlord and tenant cases which can cause a multitude of problems.
  • No-one wants to think about being injured, but personal Injury is another area which is can be effected by missing time limits, having incorrect advice for valuation of damages and can result in under-settling claims.
  • If you’ve been unfairly treated at work it is possible to lose out when claiming against an employer, with time limits again being key or having hearings not conducted properly.
  • Again, not particularly pleasant is matrimonial cases, namely divorce settlements, which when mishandled can result in the under or over-settling of the financial part of the divorce – obviously this can have a large impact.

So, if you’ve fallen victim to any of these how do you find out more about Solicitor negligence compensation?

Redress Law is one of the options out there for people looking to claim Solicitors negligence**.  They have experience across all the different types of neglect and promise to fight for your cause!

They know what the impact of poor legal advice can have on your life and work closely with their clients offering support in a transparent way to right wrongs and obtain proper redress.

**In collaboration with Redress Law

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