How to avoid getting sick in 2017


Nothing is worse than waking up in the morning to discover your throat is scratchy, your nose is blocked and you feel like burrowing back under the covers and not coming out again! Luckily these days I don’t seem to get sick too often, but when I do it really frustrates me!  Check out these top tips to help you avoid getting sick in 2017.

Protect yourself

It is important for each person to take responsibility for their own health, especially when it comes to vaccinations which can help prevent you from getting sick. The number one tip to stay healthy in 2017 is to get the flu jab; flu can lead to a nasty fever, muscle aches and fatigue.

Many people in the UK are  eligible to receive the vaccination for free on the NHS due to underlying conditions, however, if you are not eligible you can still get a flu jab privately and avoid this very unpleasant viral illness.

Support your immune system

Having a strong immune system is important when it comes to fighting off bugs and there are lots of things you can do to keep it at full strength.

First of all, make sure you are getting enough sleep; if you are run down due to lack of rest then your body will be under more stress and more likely to fall foul of germs. Try to cut down on alcohol as it can disrupt REM sleep which is the most restorative part of sleep.

There as been research to show that a diet which is low in protein can negatively affect the immune system. Make sure you are getting enough protein during the day from fish, meat, soy, dairy and beans. You can also take a daily multivitamin, mineral supplement, or even something like these mushroom supplements to help keep your body nourished – just be sure to buy a quality product.

Being stressed will increase your susceptibility to catching a cold. You’re less likely to take care of yourself—get ample sleep, eat right, exercise—when there’s something weighing on your mind so it’s worth taking a break and making sure you’re getting enough time to de-stress during the day. Some simple ways to lower stress levels include taking regular exercise, meditation (which I have recently taken up and have found it to be excellent for relaxation), getting a massage and listening to calming music. Learn more about how stress affects the immune system here.

Be germ vigilant

All around us germs are just waiting to be picked up, so it’s worth trying to take on a few new habits to protect yourself from them. Think about carrying antibacterial wipes or alcohol hand gel with you for quickly wiping down high traffic areas like gym equipment, office microwaves, fax-machine keys, doorknobs, elevator buttons, the armrests on chairs.

Of course, a basic staple of hygiene is to keep our hands clean and it’s worth remembering in cold and flu season! Keep your fingers away from your eyes, nose, and mouth as much as possible to avoid passing bugs from surfaces to your skin. Soap is your best friend, although it’s best to get a hands-free dispenser to cut down on the chance of transferring germs on soap bars. Make sure you dry your hands properly as damp hands are perfect for spreading bacteria.

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